понедельник, 28 февраля 2011 г.

Mother`s day!

Mother`s day!!
The custom of honoring mothers goes back at least as far as 17th-century England, which celebrated (and still celebrates) Mothering Sunday.
A mother's only wish in life is her child's happiness.
As a part of mother's day customs in America, children call up their mother and wish her happy mothers day. They present their mom with wonderful mothers day gifts baskets. Earlier this day used to primarily focus on mothers, but now the celebration is dedicated to all women, then be it mothers, grandmothers, aunts, sisters etc. Most of the families plan out a nice getaway trip on this day

I very love this holiday. I think it`s a great day becauce I very love my mother :)
History: Why do we celebrate Mothering Sunday and Mother's Day?
Children as young as eight or nine would leave home to learn their trade as an apprentice or to become servants in the homes of the wealthy. These children usually were in neighboring towns, but transportation was hard to come by and expensive. For most of the year they did not get to see their family. young people would be allowed to return to their homes and families for a weekend. This became known as "going a mothering"
Children walked the roads picking spring wildflowers to give to their mothers when they arrived back at their homes. They often brought small gifts from the merchants or nobles they worked for as presents for the family, including the traditional simnel cake.

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